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Elder David Montgomery – Endurance

Elder David turns to 2 Timothy 1 and preaches on the Apostle Paul’s charge to Timothy, “thou therefore endure hardness”, and more specific on the term endure.  While life is difficult at times, people may let us down, we may fail, troubles can occur in the church, or things just don’t go according to plan, Elder David encourages us to endure hardness as a good soldier in the house of God.  When we consider what our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ endured for us, the hardships we face throughout our lives pale in comparison.  But thanks be to God that His mercy, which keeps us from receiving what we deserve, endures forever.  While weeping endures for just a night, joy comes in the morning.  Elder Montgomery challenges us to endure this little season and look forward to that joyous morning when we will forever be with the Lord.

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